Städtisches Klinikum Görlitz is a modern hospital with over a century of tradition. 1.450 competent employees dedicate their work to the well-being of our patients. Our specialist clinics and medical centres collaborate within an interdisciplinary framework in the interests of our patients. As a specialist hospital, we cover almost the entire spectrum of medical treatments together with our cooperation partners.
We carry particular responsibility as one of the largest employers in the region. In order to fulfil this task, our strategic focus is aligned with the current societal and economic needs of the healthcare market.
Teaching and education of highly qualified junior professionals is part of our DNA as the academic teaching hospital of TU Dresden.
The well-being of our patients from the city and region of Görlitz is our commitment and the objective of everything we do. The patients, their families, friends and doctors should be able to approach us in a spirit of trust at any time, certain that we will attend lovingly and competently to their concerns. We continuously expand and update our knowledge and skills. We assess our performance based on objective criteria. Sound business management keeps us healthy and equipped for the future. We apply rigorous standards to our work: we want only the best for our patients.
Our company goals stabilise our work like a frame and give it shape. They show us how we would like to develop in the coming years and which standards we apply to our work.
We have dedicated and qualified staff members, and we are determined to keep them healthy.
Our company pursues the goal of uniting medical care, nursing, technology and sound business with human appreciation.
Our Clinic remains independent and highly innovative by returning sustainable profits.
As a specialist hospital in the region, our broad portfolio of skills and collaborative approach ensure excellent standards of care.