The management company of Klinikum Görlitz mbH provides services in the area of facility management, especially for Klinikum Görlitz, its subsidiaries and companies affiliated with the Clinic.
The management company provides the following services in particular:
- Catering and patient support
- Glass and building cleaning
- Guards and security staff
Contacs BGK GmbH

Thomas Lieberwirth, Dipl.-Kaufm.
- Telephone
- +49 3581 37-1530
- Fax
- +49 3581 37-1517
- E-Mail-Adresse

Peter zur Linden
Bereichsleiter BGK Küche
Catering and patient support
- Telephone
- +49 3581 37-1290
- Fax
- +49 3581 37-1381
- E-Mail-Adresse

Ines Rose
Bereichsleiterin BGK Glas- und Gebäudereinigung
Glass and building cleaning
- Telephone
- +49 3581 37-1115
- Fax
- +49 3581 37-1225
- E-Mail-Adresse
Mathias Basler
Bereichsleiter BGK Wach- und Sicherheitsdienst
Guards and security staff
- Telephone
- +49 3581 37-1280
- Fax
- +49 3581 37-1400
- E-Mail-Adresse