Interdisciplinary Accident and Emergency is in charge of treating injuries. In cases of complex consequences of injuries and life-threatening poly-trauma, we work closely with experts from neighbouring clinics (Clinic for Neurosurgery, Clinic for General, Vascular and Visceral Surgery) within the Regional Trauma Network. Our nursing staff in the Accident and Emergency Unit looks after the patients together with physiotherapists and occupational therapists. We consult with Social Services at an early stage in order to enable planning of outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation measures.
- Conservative treatment of limb fractures through closed repositioning and plaster techniques
- Surgical treatment of bone fractures to limbs, the pelvic spine, lumbar spine and the pelvis
- Surgical treatment of joint injuries, primarily using minimally-invasive methods of arthroscopic operations. The arthroscopic range extends from meniscal suturing and ligament replacement, to the treatment of cartilage damage of the knee and stabilisation surgery for the shoulder.
- Surgery on tendon, ligament and muscle injuries
- Restorative surgery after limb injuries (without micro-vascular flap technique)
- Endoprosthetic joint replacement of the hip and shoulder caused by prior injuries or within the framework of degenerative joint diseases
- Corrections of limb deformities
- Stabilisation of osteoporotic, spontaneous fractures of the spine through cement injections (vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty)
The implant of artificial joints (endoprostheses) is a complex surgical treatment method. We mainly look after patients suffering from secondary diseases. They are serious cases that cannot be treated in every specialist clinic, and instead require the particular medical clinic structures of a specialised hospital. After these operations, the patients experience less pain, become more mobile and acquire significantly greater quality-of-life. Modern, high-quality prosthetics made in Germany are used within endoprosthetics.
We apply both conservative and surgical methods to treat fractures. We use high quality implants (e.g. fixed angle pin and plate systems) and ensure that our surgical methods remain consistently state-of-the-art. They are selected according to the AO recommendations (Working Group for Questions of Osteosynthesis).
Arthroscopy is the main focus area within joint surgery. Good accessibility can be achieved through minimally invasive techniques with the smallest possible surgical access point, thus enabling early mobilisation of the patient.
We can conduct the following procedures on outpatients:
- Surgery to correct fractures of small bones (hand, foot)
- Arthroscopic surgery on the knee and shoulder joint regions
- Removal of osteosynthesis material without major intervention in the soft tissue (metal removal)
- Corrective surgery on the forefoot region (hallux, hammer toe)
- Hand surgery (carpal tunnel release, trigger finger)
We participate in the system of medical referees and the injury classification system to lay the foundation to ensure outpatient and inpatient treatment of injuries within the framework of the statutory accident insurance regulations.