Secretariat Clinic for Neurosurgery
Martina Milz
- Telephone
- +49 3581 37-1160
- Fax
- +49 3581 37-1156
- E-Mail-Adresse
Surgery hours
Conservative and interventional
The Clinic for Neurosurgery offers consultations on conservative and invasive options for the treatment of neurosurgical pathologies during the consultant's surgery with the Chief Physician.
It is held on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 pm at the premises of the Surgery Hour Centre in House A, former main entrance. Due to the restricted capacities, appointments are provided on a quarterly basis and are arranged with the secretary's office at the Clinic for Neurosurgery (see above for contact details).
Invasive pain treatment
Patients with questions concerning invasive pain treatment (pump systems, stimulation systems) can attend the pain surgery, which is held on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Patients require a referral from a pain therapist and must obtain an appointment from the secretary's office (telephone number).
Requests on short notice
Your GP is of course invited to send your records (medical history and current imaging on CD) to the secretary's office in neurosurgery in order to request treatment on short notice. In many cases it will be possible to recommend treatment as soon as possible in these instances. For instance, the duration of treatment can be shorted considerably in the event that surgery is unnecessary. Naturally, this postal presentation cannot replace the necessary personal consultation prior to surgery.
Patients with emergency indications (persons with seizures, paralysis and pain that is unmanageable in an outpatient setting) are of course welcome to present at our Interdisciplinary Accident & Emergency (INA) Unit to consult with our colleagues on duty there.
The monthly Spinal Column Board and Pain Panel provide opportunities to discuss problem patients with complex or chronic diagnostic constellations within an interdisciplinary framework, whereby attending colleagues are welcome to attend. The Spinal Column Board, which is held on the first Wednesday in the month, and the Pain Panel, which is usually on the second Wednesday in the month, are registered with and approved by the State Medical Association in Saxony as training events. Two credits are awarded in each case.