For members of nursing and functional services, the mission statement and corporate philosophy at Städtisches Klinikum Görlitz gGmbH means these things for the following groups:
Nursing Services perceives patients as partners by showing respect for their individual needs, values, belief systems, customs and habits, while adhering to the principle of protecting their inalienable rights. Both parties, the member of the nursing staff and the patient, actively participate in fulfilling the care plan. The patient's family members and other caregivers have the option of being included in the nursing care.
Patients are treated according to the concept of primary nursing in our clinic.
Support is provided to the degree that is required when patients do not have the necessary strength or capacities. Patients entrusted to us in the last phase of their lives are treated respectfully by nurses and palliative caregivers with involvement of family members and friends.
Our work is based on qualification and further training, thus ensuring and improving the excellent standards of nursing care.
Our nurses are considerate, professional and attentive to personal needs. They are motivated and committed, conscientious and possess outstanding qualifications.
Trainees receive competent support while completing their practical nursing courses. We share with all other professional groups the common goal of preserving and strengthening our organisation in the interests of our patients.
An efficient approach in thought and action for all nursing and functional tasks must go hand in hand with impeccable quality of work.
The members of our Nursing Services improve their professional abilities by learning new care concepts, e.g. the Bobath approach, which aims to interrupt abnormal postural and movement patterns in spasticity and to restore physiological movements.
- Basal = of the body/of the base
- Stimulation = information that consciously promotes perception
- We cooperate with our patients to develop basal stimulation
- Kinaesthesia = a movement concept that develops the activity and mobility capabilities of the caregiver to
enable them to help patients acquire purposeful movements and organisation of their own bodies.
... face up to the growing requirements of medical devices, treatment and surgical methods, as well as the course of therapy.