Would you like to learn a profession in which you work with other people on a daily basis? A profession with a bright and varied future?
Then join a team of around 1,450 employees by applying to Städtisches Klinikum Görlitz!
We attach a lot of importance to our junior professionals as one of the largest employers in the region. You can look forward to great opportunities by learning an interesting and varied profession in nursing or business management. In the practical part, you will be assigned to different wards and departments within our organisation. You will learn the theoretical parts of the nursing professions at Krankenhausakademie des Landkreises Görlitz gGmbH, whose term starts on 1 September 2018.
Make use of your opportunities by applying to us!
We provide training in the following professions:
Nursing apprenticeships
Commercial apprenticeships
We offer the practical part of the apprenticeships for the professions of
- Medical-technical assistant for functional diagnostics
- Medical-technical laboratory assistant
- Medical-technical assistant for radiology
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
that can be completed at our clinic. For more information, click here.